Day two. A balmy 42 degrees when we stuck our heads out the tent. Air was dry, so no worries. Felt good. After a good breakfast in Blowing Rock, we headed further out and dropped by “The Blowing Rock”. The fall colors hadn’t completely developed though. Another week or so, and the colors would have popped out.
Lois is getting a shot at Blowing Rock

Blowing Rock

Blowing Rock
Very windy, and a little cold. Walking back to our bikes, an older couple was standing there looking at them. The older gentleman told me he used to ride a R80GS a long time ago. The bikes sure have changed, he said. I agreed. It sounded like he wanted to get back into riding. His wife gave him a sideways look, and the continued the conversation with Lois talking about her Spydie RT. The lady wanted to watch us leave, so we got on the bikes and waved goodbye.
Had to re-visit Mt. Mitchell, the highest point east of Mississippi at 6684 ft. There is usually a thick fog surrounding the entire mountain. Not today, as the weather was a perfect 45 degrees and clear.

Mt. Mitchell
A little further up the Parkway towards Grandfather Mountain

Blueridge Parkway

Blueridge Parkway
Headed back down Sunday. 32 degrees in the morning. Stayed warm and cozy in the tent. Packed up the mules and left beautiful Linville Falls, our base camp. Good times.