About Tor

"Making Life A Ride"

39th Annual Daniel Boone Rally 2016

39th Annual Daniel Boone Rally 2016

39th Daniel Boone rally, hosted by Carolina’s BMWMOA. We rode up to the Boone, NC KOA on Friday morning 8/12/16. Came back home 8/14/16. Felt good having a daytime temperature of 77 and dry instead of 95 and humid. About 100 or so riders from all around. We completely filled up the tent section of the campground. Had a nice morning ride around Boone with 3 other couples. Good times.

Motorcycles and tent city

Motorcycles and tent city

Our home for 2 nights

Our home for 2 nights

One of the bikes on the vintage display

One of the bikes on the vintage display

A nice chat after the days ride

A nice chat after the days ride

2016 BMW MOA Rally Day 2-3

2016 BMW MOA Rally Day 2-3

Arrived in Hamburg, NY on Thursday afternoon after a nice ride from Pittsburgh following US 62 along the Allegheny River. Very nice ride. Highly recommended.

Fuel stop near Warren, PA. 

Today we spent most of our time browsing through a sea of motorcycle accessories for sale. 

In the candy store. 

Back in the day….

2016 BMW MOA rally

2016 BMW MOA rally

Headed up to Hamburg, NY for the annual international BMW MOA rally in Hamburg, NY. 

Eating breakfast in smalltown Pennsylvania a little south of Warren. Rolling hills and green pastures. A little drizzle every now and then keeps the temps to around 68-70. Perfect.

Purple Martin season

Purple Martin season

The season is winding down. Most of the nestlings have fledged, leaving 3 nests to fledge. We ended up having 32 pair, with around 133 eggs. We lost 8 or 9 to heat and premature nest jumping. Still, all in all a good season. I hate that we loose babies, but it is nature, and you do what you can