It was that time again. Campstoc 2013 was held at Willville Motorcycle Campground, Meadows of Dan, VA. Left early in the morning on my BMW F800GS. The Honda ST1300 was in need of tires at the time, and besides I wanted to do some dirt roads.
Headed up through US 220 in NC and continued on US 52 to Mt. Airy, when I left major highways behind, and continued up on Squirrel Spur road, a maze of nice twisties and turns. I eventually hit The Blueridge Parkway. By that time, the temperature had dropped to about 60 degrees. I took my sweet time on the Parkway, hit US58 and pulled in to the campground. It looked like I was one of the first to arrive. It was very quiet. Mule was unloaded, and I set up camp as close to the river as I could.

A group of us decided to ride over to Burke’s Garden, VA for the day on Friday. Very nice area, and the roads were built for serious riding. Had no trouble at all keeping up with the St13’s on my oversized dirt bike :-).<a

Eating hot dogs and hamburgers, finishing up with cobbler made on the fire.

Dutch Oven containing the Cobbler Dessert. Yummm.

On Saturday I decided to just ride the Blueridge Parkway and relax, stopping here and there for photos.
Somewhere south of Meadows of Dan on the Parkway.<a

Mabry Mill.

The rest of the gang discusssing where to ride off to.

Still deciding:-)


Will the camp host. You just can’t have a better camp host than Will. Making camp fires for us every night, and joining us telling tales from his younger days of motorcycle adventures.

Had fun, as always. Looking forward to the Blueridge Gathering in the fall.